Mar 10, 2013

X Magazine Changes

As all of us know, Jack (queendetox) it's the owner of one of the Newest Magazines in Dollywood, wich first issue was released the Past Thursday in the Official web of ''X Magazine''. The Issue had really nice comments and it was really good received but too much Readers. The Critics of the Issue were really nice
and of course, we gave our Critics too. The issue was amazing and i completely recommend, to all the Dollywood Public, because has very nice Tips, Writing and Graphics. The issue had too much success, and because of it, now everyone want to be a Model for the Magazine. There have been so many applications for being Model of the Magazine, but because the Magazine it's only Published every three months, they can not accept all the Models who apply. It's really sad, but anyways, it's a good magazine. And it's like the Reality is, no all the Girls who want to be Models are hired for being in Magazine, because if they d, it wouldn't be Called Magazine, it would be Called Book with thousands of Pages, and the Media world, would became simple, and everyone could be Famous. So, If everyone it's famous, ¿Don't you think the ''Famous'' word would lose it's Power and Strenght?. That's why Jack just made and organized system, with wich the Magazine will be selecting the Models. I'm one who thinks that paying Money (At the end, ¿With what do you pay your Stardollars? Real Money, ¿not?) It's a completely crazyness. It's a Virtual magazine, and it won't give you Power in real life. For experience, i was going to pay the 500 Stardollars for being Featured in VOGUE Magazine by Jelinna, but some comments and after a good research i realized that it would be a lose of Money. Anyways, back to our topic, i think this it's an Amazing opportunity, because unlike VOGUE Magazine, Jack it's not making Models pay for Months, he's making Models pay for Issues, Feautures and Benefits. He's completely organized, and it's the Reason why i will send my Application for paying the 500 Stardollars and why i wouldn't pay 500 Stardollars for being in VOGUE. I was thinking so much about Paying the SD, including the Biggest Contract of 900 SD. But Someone (no-names) made me realize that it was Really a crazy idea, and i will spend my 500 Stardollars in ''X Magazine''. I mean, you will be saying ''¿It's not the same money?'' Yes, it is. But in this Time, i will be Paying for at least 10 Issues of Feautring, and not for six months, because i think Jelinna can't put always the same Models in all the Issues, and now that the Magazine it's being published every two Months, ¿How would i pay 500 Stardollars for being in three (or less) Issues, while i can pay the same Price and being Featured up to five times more in other Magazine? So, that's the reason i recommend you to Pay the money in ''X Magazine''. I want to get clear i'm not talking bad about VOGUE Magazine, and anyways i'm trying to discredit the Magazine. It's just my opinion. And i think i will still being Follower and reader of the Magazine, but this Post was only to Make you realize that the things have to be organized in a Good Way. With patient, and of course, i want to say before ending that ''X Magazine'' will be really big. Big in that way, that it's a completely amazing Idea, to pay for being Featured in it.

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